Diego M
@diegofromgeniusbar β€’

Genius Bar 🟒 ACTIVE

Hello everyone! Currently in the Genius Bar 🍫 Hop in to get help with setup or feedback to hit the $500 in 7 days milestone and fly over to New York and visit the Whop Team! The Genius Bar is live today and every weekday from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM EST so you can hop in whenever you'd like!

@crosscowboy10 β€’


Hey everyone, hope you all are having/had a great weekend. I am curious what you guys want from this community. Head to the comments of this post and let us know what you would like and we will try to make this the best Whop on the planet!

@crosscowboy10 β€’

ANOTHER UPDATE: user profiles page is now live!!!


  • access your profile from the bottom left on the hub

  • edit your name, username bio, add external links, avatar, banner, hide your own/joined whops, and see your activity

@crosscowboy10 β€’

Genius Bar πŸ””

Great news! The Genius Bar will be going live tomorrow from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM EST. Feel free to stop by if you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to chat. To join just head to the Whop Genius Bar channel under the support category (will go live tomorrow).

@mg12 β€’


Don't forget to enter the giveaway in the giveaways app for a chance to win a free Whop hoodie! It ends in four days ⏱️

@crosscowboy10 β€’

Whop App improvements 5/2!

  • Updated image opener on chat

  • cmd+enter to post on forums

  • Significantly improved chat load times

  • Added a proper loading state for chat

  • Prevent your own view from counting towards view count on forums

  • Add button to claim all events to calendar

  • Show whether an event is free/paid on the event card

  • Many minor bug fixes across chat & forums

@crosscowboy10 β€’

Whop core improvements from 5/2!

  • Added labels to show price with trials

  • Fixed an issue with discord username/id not populating on user details page

  • Added a hover state to show promo codes when hovering over memberships

  • Updated all copy and and style on the creator affiliates screen

  • Fixed an issue with rows count not displaying if only 1 page of rows is available

  • Updated all sections to be auto opened when editing a price

  • Fixed an issue with clicking on a row on collabs page returning

@crosscowboy10 β€’

Whop App improvements 5/1!

Major Updates

  • BRAND NEW image viewer in forums!!

Minor Updates

  • add the ability to BAN certain words from appearing in chat

  • chat videos now show a video preview on mobile

  • updated the chat link preview to include site favicon & other UI updates

  • update forums link preview UI

@crosscowboy10 β€’

Whop core improvements from 5/1!

Minor Updates

  • Updated the hub sidebar to show all whops (no more collapsed state).

  • Added waitlists on the user details page to show waitlist entries so that creators can approve from there

  • Added a call out to let creators know how many days the membership will be extended until when adding free days

cameron zoub
@cameronzoub β€’

Whop App improvements 4/18!

We'll also start posting daily updates along with core updates πŸ’ͺ


  • Add max height for videos

  • Update the message input size

  • Update how messages are grouped by time

  • New lines register as breaks

  • Return key starts a new line

  • Improved how chat feels on mobile


  • Fix message input alignment

  • Fix spacing between items in forums

  • Add 404 states


  • Fix issue with auto opening tickets on public apps

  • Customer giveaways page now refreshes on new giveaways

  • Fixed sports feed not sending images via telegram

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cameron zoub
@cameronzoub β€’

Whop core improvements from 4/18!

We're going to start posting daily updates on all of the new features we update each day to keep you guys all in the loop :):


  • updated users page statuses to include renewing, past due, and trialing!

  • when clicking on users on the products table, we now redirect the creator to the users page with filters!

Lower priority:

  • fixed an issue with archived products not showing on the access screen page

  • updated copy when setting up a single payment price

  • added the ability for creators to setup waitlist for one time payments

  • fixed an issue with creators navigating between hub -> dash on 2 companies

  • fixed an issue with weird UI glitching showing a ton of different overlays on creator dash on the payments page

  • added user id under the contact section on the users details page

  • added logs to show what user id claimed the transfer

  • updated onboarding urls on the launcher to redirect creators to whop.com/sell if they have no whops

  • added a stock column on the pricing options table

  • removed underline on status on the products table

  • updated whops sdk to detect internal links and redirect

  • added new affiliates column to reflect all time retention and last 90 days

  • added trialing status exact date on the users page

  • fixed an issue with recent purchases not updating

  • made some in app purchases modal improvements to update copy

  • fixed an issue with users count discrepancy on products table

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cameron zoub
@cameronzoub β€’

So excited for Whop University!!

I am soooo fckn excited to launch Whop Uni! Moving forward, we're going to use this whop as our source of truth for all things related to community, feedback, bugs, and our hub for all creators on Whop!

We've added a couple of new apps this AM:

  1. Bugs app - use this to post any bugs you come across.

  2. Suggestions app - use this to post any feedback/suggestions you'd like to see implemented to whop.

Can't wait for this next chapter of Whop, and so excited to see all of the whops you all build πŸ’ͺ!